Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Corporate Blogging

Corporate blogging has become incredibly popular in the business to business (B2B) sector. Industries that were once thought inhospitable to blogs, these tools are not only popping up but are making a profound difference in marketing, relationship cultivation and client interaction. Yet too often, the full potential isn’t realized. Corporate blogs either don’t deliver on expectations or, worse, are left to suffer a quiet, lonely death. When this happens, of course, blogs themselves are blamed, with little consideration given to the fact that execution (rather than platform) was flawed.
Corporate blogging gives individuals located throughout various points in the world to connect and discuss a variety of issues within their organization. Furthermore, blogging allows individuals to connect with one another in a more personal setting than an email or memorandum.
Furthermore, its disadvantages include that to make a corporate blog successful, you have to spend some time with it. A 200-word post every week doesn’t give your target audience much reason to visit, let alone come back. Also, Blogging by committee is a bad idea. There has to be one person up front, serving as the editor-in-chief. Your lead blogger will write and edit posts, identify topics, and manage the environment.



But, as effective as they are, they certainly aren't infallible, and they do have major disadvantages. Optical scanners can't always distinguish between a picture of a finger and the finger itself, and capacitive scanners can sometimes be fooled by a mold of a person's finger. If somebody did gain access to an authorized user's prints, the person could trick the scanner. In a worst-case scenario, a criminal could even cut off somebody's finger to get past a scanner security system. Some scanners have additional pulse and heat sensors to verify that the finger is alive, rather than a mold or dismembered digit, but even these systems can be fooled by a gelatin print mold over a real finger. (This site explains various ways somebody might trick a scanner.)
To make these security systems more reliable, it's a good idea to combine the biometric analysis with a conventional means of identification, such as a password (in the same way an ATM requires a bank card and a PIN code).
The real problem with biometric security systems is the extent of the damage when somebody does manage to steal the identity information. If you lose your credit card or accidentally tell somebody your secret PIN number, you can always get a new card or change your code. But if somebody steals your fingerprints, you're pretty much out of luck for the rest of your life. You wouldn't be able to use your prints as a form of identification until you were absolutely sure all copies had been destroyed. There's no way to get new prints.



"Who you are" systems like fingerprint scanners have a number of advantages over other systems. To name few:
• Physical attributes are much harder to fake than identity cards.
• You can't guess a fingerprint pattern like you can guess a password.
• You can't misplace your fingerprints, irises or voice like you can misplace an access card.
• You can't forget your fingerprints like you can forget a password.
• Dirty or greasy hands don’t hamper the quality of templates recorded by a hand reader.
• Buddy punching, the problem faced by most of the organizations, is solved by these biometric devices.
• Employee card systems are completely eliminated, thereby saving the cost of maintaining employee records and removing the possibility of frauds.
• Cost for manual preparation of reports like worked hours, lateness, leaves etc is also reduced by hand recognition devices.
• These devices are fast, accurate and can be easily integrated in the existing environment


Other Technology

Computerized fingerprint scanners have been a mainstay of spy thrillers for decades, but up until recently, they were pretty exotic technology in the real world. In the past few years, however, scanners have started popping up all over the place -- in police stations, high-security buildings
In very early days, our ancestors intuitively understand that certain characteristics could serve for purpose of identification. In a very developed technology today, the human systemic are still can be used as a identification system. Now we can use a fingerprint scanner to get an person’s identification. Biometric is a modern technique in solve to very old concerns with indisputable proof of identity base on a fingerprint and even on PC keyboards.



Hand scanner works by creating and storing the templates of hand geometry in a biometric device, which are later used for identification and verification processes. Used mainly as employee attendance clocks, these devices have completely changed the scene of business organizations. Due to its association with biometric technology, a hand reader is capable of providing accurate results.

Among all the biometrical technology, fingerprint-based identification is the most widely used in security applications; simply, everyone has their unique, immutable fingerprints. Commercially, fingerprint matching is one of the most efficient to authenticate an authorize entry, access to confidential data. Fingerprint matching techniques falls into two categories: minutiae-based and correlation based. Minutiae-based techniques find the minutiae points and then mapping them on the finger. The shortcoming of this method is difficult to extract the minutiae points accurately if the fingerprint is of low quality. Whereas, correlation-based techniques need the precise location of a designated point and a image translation. There are difficulties in either method; therefore, developing fingerprint modules for different security devices is very crucial in the industry.


